
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Honey and Your Eyes: A Miraculous Cure and a Wonderful Care

Ubqari Magazine - November 2015

Having pain in the eyes or trouble or you are suffering from any contagious eye infection and eyes are always watering or you have a week eyesight and wearing bulky glasses and you get disappointed and think that you will have to live with it for good, you should never be disappointed.

Dear readers! I bring forward the priceless pearls of wisdom and never hide them. You should also be generous and share yours too. (Editor Hakeem Tariq Mahmud Majzoobi Chughtai)

Although it is quite an old memory but still I could remember and write this with full confidence. My grandfather was also one of the best healers of his time but his subjects were not the human but the animals and among the animals, only horses. Once I saw an amazing thing that he had a small bottle in his hand and he was holding an instrument used to apply Collyrium (Surma) and he was applying some medicine to the horses’ eyes. I went closer to him to see what he was doing as I had learnt a lot from his company and even when I share those experiences now with my friends and companions they are also amazed to know the wonderful benefits.

I learnt that if a horse with a sore eye due to dust, infection or any insect trapped in his eyes would affect the horse’s efficiency and he would pour honey to their eyes. Once he said that grooming a son and a horse are quite alike as both of them take much effort and are quite sensitive too. The daughters are mostly tough and could resist the life threatening problems as well but the male children are very sensitive and then it is your luck that you get a reward of their loyalty or not. Then he said that he had tried honey to eyes of humans as well the horses and found it working wonders at both the places. Now even after 47 years, whenever I find an affected eye, I suggest to apply honey to it and it has always given me full results. His words are still echoing in my ears although he died in 1973 and this incidence was much before his demise. My dear readers! Allah Almighty has put a great deal of healing in Honey. And it is so immense that its drinking is healing as well as applying externally is equally healing too. You must have experienced that the old and chronic wounds which could not be healed by any medicine, if given a honey dressing twice a day would save it from further worsening and heals the old wound very quickly and the healing is so perfect that it does leave  even any scar behind. This has worked well on burnt too and the honey worked as the best ointment and the wounds were even healed without leaving any scars. You just have to apply once in your right eye and one on the left and that’s it. You may feel a little itch in the beginning but the water that would emerge from the eye will provide a wash to your eyes. Someone asked Hazrat Imam Jaffer Sadiq (Rahmatullah Alaih) why the water coming from eyes is always salty. He was indeed a very genius and knowledgeable person. He replied that the eye was made of fatty substance and Allah has arranged salt to preserve the fat as if the salt was not there, then the whole eye would have lost by converting into water. Dear readers! This fatty substance can also be safeguarded by honey as an alternative. The eyes have been defended by the salt and the honey has to be applied once every night. I have dealt with numerous such cases and even it is in my night time routine to apply it to my eyes while going to bed.

Now my children bring me honey and the small applying device and request me to give freshness to their eyes too. They keep their eyes shut for a while but then their bright and fresh eyes reveal that the honey had worked and protected their eyes from all the pollutions and other chemical vapours which are so common in our environment these days. If you pour any liquid into the eyes, it will flow out mostly while leaving a small fraction behind but the honey remains in the eyes like an ointment would stay inside for long and will leave its healing effects longer it stays there. Having pain in the yes or trouble or you have been suffering from any eye related infection and eyes are always watering or you have a week eyesight and wearing bulky glasses and you get disappointed and think that you will have to live with it for good, you should never be disappointed rather should turn to Honey. You would be luckier if you could find a honey comb without honey having been extracted from it and you can keep it in a refrigerator in some container although you can store it out as well. Then you should insert teh cilia into it and apply it to your eyes. It works better than the honey itself. But if you could not get it then take any type of pure honey and use it daily.

Once I met a person from South Africa while on a flight and he was close to sixty. He was holding a towel and was wiping his eyes continuously. He told me that he had watering eyes for years and this problem had become chronic then. He also had a number of surgeries but it did not help and now his vision was quite week and he could not see anything even closer to his eyes. His eyes would never stop watering. I suggested for him to abandon all the treatments and just use honey. He was also fed up with all the treatments and I prescribed for him to fill his eyes with honey as his problem was quite severe. Then after some months I received his phone call and I was really surprised to learn that his problem had almost gone and he was feeling much healthier and had restored good eyesight then.

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